Monday, December 20, 2021

God’s Love in icons both large and small

 By Robert Hudson Westover

Who hasn’t turned the wheel of a kaleidoscope and looked in amazement as a hidden cluster of crystal beads, painted mirrors and glass create color patterns that make you wish you could jump into that little handheld toy? Of course, now we have virtual reality goggles which almost make one feel like they are doing this—diving us into a galaxy of iridescence--but virtual isn’t reality.

However, in Paris, the City of Light, such a place does exist, a real structure made of stone and glass but mostly stained glass. It’s the chapel built over 800 years ago by the good king of the French, Saint Louis, and the Parisians call it the saint’s chapel or Sainte Chappelle. From the moment you step into this sacred space of a million fragments of colored glass you are transfixed by the eye sensory overload of so much color.

Sainte Chapelle in Paris

You are in the kaleidoscope.

And it’s in this place of Holy wonderment that my husband and I had a rare encounter with a person who studies and creates, or I should correctly say, writes the spiritual arts of sacred colors that prefigured the glowing stained glass imagines of Biblical scenes seen in so many churches and cathedrals.

It’s called iconography and the artist’s name is Sue Jones. A devote Christian from Texas, Sue had never really liked icons and thought the (often) small rough wood blocks with two dimensional painted figures of Jesus and his mother, Mary (and many other saints) almost ugly and even kind of strange.

An icon of the Archangel Gabriel
by iconographer Sue Jones 

However, all that changed when she started visiting an icon “writing” class held at her church, “I started understanding the significance of the meaning behind icons. An icon is to be written, not painted, and read by the onlooker,” said Jones.

The class is called The School of Sacred Arts and the master iconographer leading the course, Jane Ladik, has her work all over the world. Jones explains the icon writing process taught to her by Ladik as one that starts with a pattern and the writer is always referring to the pattern, “just as we refer to our master pattern, Jesus Christ.”

Jones added, “Back in the day when people could not read, they would know what they were looking at, the colors have a message, and other things you see, curly hair, a knob on the forehead, even where the eyes are looking. Writing an icon is done in prayer, contemplating the life of the saint.”

In fact, when you see Mary, or the saints, it indeed does appear that the eyes are often not looking in the same place. Jones explains that this is because the icon both looks at the observer while also keeping an eye on the heavenly realm.

Listening to Sue that day in Sainte Chapelle, and feeling the holy spirit move me, I looked up at the many images of the stained glass and thought about the stories of faith they were telling and experienced the chapel with new eyes. Iconography, whether in wood, stone glass or paint inspires us all to love God more and experience the promise of his Love through art.

Let’s call it the kaleidoscope of the Holy Spirit.

(Pictured to the left: An ancient icon of Mary and Jesus. The lettering is in archaic Cyrillic and the icon is thought to have written anywhere between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries.) 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

A Dream in the Desert leads to an art career in Paris

By Robert Hudson Westover

The Joshua trees were darkly silhouetted against a faint yet deep shade of blue—a color James Purpura would never forget. When he woke up from the dream, in the desert outside Palm Springs, he didn’t know it at the time, but this hue of blue would haunt him beyond just a day of contemplating this unique vision.

He became obsessed with it and bought paints to mix and find it.

A new language of blue.

A new language of art.

A work by James Purpura. One of 13 that will be exhibited 
this November in Palm Springs.

Paris, 20 years later and my husband and I are walking the storied boulevard Rivoli on our way to the Louvre. We were in no rush, having been to the awe-inspiring former “other” palace home of the Sun King, when just a few blocks away, we spotted a rather strange looking building that stood out from the very well-kept limestone and marble facades of Rivoli.

I mean really stood out as in huge blue humanoid looking statues climbing up the façade.

Curious as he is my husband wanted to go for a closer inspection. He was utterly fascinated. I wasn’t. Just another weird art gallery, I thought as we entered the foyer of 59 Rivoli, a former hotel now covered in paint of multiple colors and a strange assortment of odd-looking art. Everywhere. As we ascended the stairs of the seven-story structure, we soon discovered that there were at least 30 artists of varying talent either displaying or creating their art.

As we looked at the amazing, contemplative and wonderous works I remembered one of the lessons I learned when I worked at the NationalEndowment for the Arts in Washington, DC: Every new great artist must distinguish themselves from the past and other artists. To break new ground, they need to speak a new language of art.

As we turned a tight corner in the maze-like complex, we stumbled on James Purpura’s studio and looked into colors in such placement as I have never seen before, an interpretation of reality both surreal and accurate and that blue. That Purpura blue.

Lucky for us James had just come back from an errand and we struck up a conversation. Somewhere in between James’ normal pitch to sell his art to us, and me being pulled into his alternate realties on canvas, I thought, “I not only want to buy one of his works, I want to help promote him.”

James Purpura's surreal take on the
Eiffel Tower in this painting is one of his most
well know works.

As a fulltime PR specialist, I was in no position to commit fulltime, but I went to work talking James up to anyone and everyone in the art world I happened upon. Then, when James was given the distinct honor of having his work displayed by the city of Paris in the 5th district across the street from the famed Pantheon I wrote a blog which has been viewed over 5000 times—for a yet-to-be, world-famous artist this is a big number. 

I know enough about art to know that James is the real thing. All I can say to those thinking of buying his work is to do it now. It won’t be long before the whole world knows about the dream in the desert.

Monday, June 28, 2021

This Pride Month I Honor LQBTQ Hero Frank Kameny

Let us never forget that we stand on the shoulders of giants. Frank Kameny's efforts to fight for Gay Rights throughout his long life means we all owe him a debt of gratitude. Yes, Gay is Good! 
Watch my tribute video: Happy Pride!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Lord Westover: A Prince Among Princes

Lord Westover: A Prince Among Princes: Heaven has gained a Noble Prince and we, here below, have lost a man of such impeccable character that it is truly hard to believe he will n...

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Queen of The World

How Queen Elizabeth II’s noble behavior has out shone the character of every British Monarch in the history of her nation and perhaps even the world.

By Robert Hudson Westover, the creator of His Grace, LordWestover (obviously).

When Princess Elizabeth ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom in 1952, Winston Churchill predicted that the nation’s new Queen Elizabeth would usher in a renewed Elizabethan era—as in the first English queen named Elizabeth. That first Elizabeth presided over what would become the world reach of a tiny island realm into the superpower Britannia and would rule the seas—for hundreds of years.

Many laughed at the irony of such a statement from Churchill. I mean, Great Britain, the empire where "the sun never sets," was already falling apart. It had, by 1952, lost many of its overseas colonies including India and South Africa. Anyone with any political savvy knew once magnificent Britannia, the largest empire ever known to man, was soon to be just another one of Europe’s “regional” powers.

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (Courtesy photo.)

So was Churchill dreaming? Or was he sensing something far beyond our traditional concepts of national boundaries and cultural imperatives?

Clearly, he left no deeper insight to his statement. But I believe he was on to something. And, yes, he was right. He was right not because Elizabeth Windsor has extended the reach of her kingdom’s physical borders but because she has recreated an empire not of lands but of people—that is to say peoples of the entire world.

Think about it. When people all over the world speak of “the queen” for the vast majority of humanity they are referring to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Even in my United States of America the term means her, our de facto Queen.

And what a queen!

The Queen has, for nearly 70 years, during some of the most wrenching political crisis imaginable, stood aloft with the Banner of True Nobility for all the world to see: Duty, Country, Family.

In that order.

She has inspired countless millions to be more noble to others, more clearheaded in a crisis and less emotionally reactive to whatever absurdity rears its ugly head—in other words, to be more like her in mind and spirit.

Take a moment to pounder how this physically diminutive woman of towering and steely character, so imbued with noble temperament, has impressed, inspired and amazed you in your own life. Even if you disagree with the concept of The Divine Right of Kings it’s a fool’s errand to find a serious cosmic flaw with The Queen. Yes, Elizabeth Windsor is a person, has flaws like all of us, but I would argue her flaws have been turned into strengths with this woman who stands out (especially now) as a rock of ages for humanity.

The performance art character @LordWestover
was  inspired by Queen Elizabeth.

On a personal level Queen Elizabeth inspired me all my life. I’ve attempted to model her behaviors in my personal crises often resulting in very positive outcomes. 

In fact, the creation of my highly successful performance art character @LordWestover was partially a result of my desire to share these new Elizabethan traits with others. Yes, Lord Westover is a comedic character, but his silliness points to Elisabeth II’s true north of Being Noble in all one says and does.

Some who read this article will think it’s just a fan letter and perhaps they are right. But I can think of no one better to be admired than Queen Elizabeth. 

So, from one of your superfans, Your Majesty, may I say God bless you for launching and sustaining a true and marvelous Elizabethan Era of Being Noble.

God Save the Queen!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Lord Westover Productions' New Arts and Humanities Foundation!

Washington, D.C. -- For 10 years, Lord Westover Productions has been dedicated to the arts and humanities. Now, with the launch of a new foundation, the Anon Foundation (not to be confused with QAnon--yikes), the new non-profits seeks to build bridges to unify all Americans no matter what political party they belong to--with a motto of remembering: We Are Americans First. 

The launch party had a Jackie Kennedy theme as the foundation's founders take a great deal of inspiration from the life of the former First Lady who had a profound appreciation for the arts and it's influence on culture and politics in particular.

Check out the video of the launch party! Anon Foundation Launch Video

Lord Westover Productions has launched a new
effort to bring attention to the arts. 
(Lord Westover Productions photo.)

Special guest for the foundation launch was
Say Yes to the Dress reality show super star
Monte Durham (left) who is self professed huge Jackie Kennedy fan.
(Lord Westover Productions photo.)

Jackie Kennedy serves as a type of inspiration
or patron saint of the arts for the Anon Foundation
(Jackie by Robert Dyber acrylic on canvas.)

So what does Jackie Kennedy have to do with Anon Foundation you might ask?

"Jackie Kennedy serves as type of inspiration for the new foundation," said Robert Hudson Westover, Chairman of the Anon Foundation. "I've admired her dignity and grace since childhood and she very much believed in the power of art to reach across all cultural, political and monetary boundaries."

Friday, September 25, 2020

Lapin Bleu Garden Video

The video is an end of summer view of our beautiful gardens. Every year at Easter we put Holy Water taken from the Grotto of the Virgin Mary outside the Justinian Wall in Istanbul and sprinkle it into the fountain which is the centerpiece to the garden we have dedicated to the Virgin Mother. 

See it here: Lapin Garden Video

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

An Open Letter to Our Beloved American Family

Dear America - Let us start by saying  we have unwavering support for our incredibly positive American way of life. We lead the world in the newest ideas of making progress, and being positively progressive, contrary to much of what is said by many. We Americans, since our founding and throughout our history, continue to strive to be better, especially in expanding matters of freedom and equality.  

Tom and Robert, a married Gay couple for
20 years have
Loved America all their lives. 
It amazes us on how much We all work to improve our lives and our communities and our bellowed country--just look at the progress for LGBT rights over the last 30 years!  And We continue to find inspiration from our still cutting edge founding documents, confidant that tempered with understanding, history, and wisdom that each generation, both the young and old, will aspire to new heights as we celebrate our freedoms engaging freely in enterprise, civil rights, and important national priorities. 

We, more than ever, demand freedom of thought given to all, but without misrepresentation, which then flow towards actions which exalt good, and create beauty and order which is conducive to human flourishing. And We should always welcome newcomers from around the globe who are able to build up America, with their unique and exciting capabilities, as they contribute to strengthening our national fabric today and into the following centuries. 

So let's, together, raise up hard work, self-reliance, loyalty to and love of nation, faith in God, honesty, strong families, and minimal class consciousness--the American way. 

We are overwhelmingly a fair people, greatly underestimated by our adversaries. During this time of disruption, all should know that things are not always what they seem on the surface, or as we are being told by many. So don't be taken in by the rancor and chaos some contribute to around us. These are the crashing waves of a temporary storm but the strong calm currents have never been disturbed by the ferociousness of the violent and self-consumed. 

Do not be afraid to stand up for what is right--and America with all her blemishes, glory and hope is a shining light to the world. WE will build an even stronger and more resolute America able to further anchor to the enduring values developed and codified by imperfect messengers of liberty.  

Though inarticulately at times, we are fighting to sharpen our vision of needed changes to make America as great as possible. This is a wonderful goal. Now with the veil more removed, the true challenge to our past, present and future--America herself--stands is stark relief to the horrific history of man's inhumanity toward man. We are now actually even more up to slaying the true dragon--the hatred of the principles of liberty for all enshrined in our founding documents. Many now know that they have billions of miles to go, if they in fact can EVER sleep.

Like so many of us in our great American family, WE believe in equality for all and the idea that our country, despite the challenges we now face, is and will continue to be the best hope for the betterment of humanity. But we also know that our creator gave us the precious gift of conscience--of choice to do right or wrong--and that, unfortunately, many of us chose wrong over right far too often in the past, in our present and likely in our future. But this is not an indictment of America but rather the manifest human condition that our founding principles continually force us to examine and forge a more perfect union.  

With All Our Love and Devotion,

Tom Fulton and Robert Hudson Westover

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

BLM Mom Way Ahead of Her Time

[UPDATE: The official cause of my mother's death was "complications due to Covid-19". Please protect the most vulnerable in our population by at least wearing a face mask while in public spaces.]

Mardelle Hudson Westover 1938 to 2020

My mom has passed.

It was a tumultuous last two years of her fighting “the system” the term she used to describe the ten odd nursing homes she lived in during this time. Often lovely facilities she would liken to prisons and as she would later say she “escaped” from like some geriatric Houdini.

But this was to be excepted.

Mardelle was always a rebel, a fighter for the downtrodden and defiant almost literally to her last breath.

She lived her truth. She truly did.

For instance, even as a child, she felt strongly that racism was a disease that had to be eradicated. As a child in the 1940s she angered her teachers by opposing the inequality of the black community. In the 1940s!

As a child.


Her BFF, Jackie, (literally they stayed friends to the end) enjoyed recounting the moment when as a teenager in the early 1950s in Santa Monica, California, mom took her new friend, a young black man from South Africa, to church at the very white 5th Church of Christ Scientists one bright sunny afternoon. “Your mom walked with him right down to the front of the church heads turning all the way!”

In the Calvinist-based Christian Science church there are no rituals including baptism. So some Christian Scientists “adopt” honorary god parents. My mom chose a black woman, a daughter of a slave, as her honorary family. We called her momma Broyels. She was a spiritual healer in the Christian Science church and was very effective. Momma Broyels died in the 1970s at nearly 100 years of age.

Mardelle in 1968 with her honorary
godmother "Mama Broyels".
(Westover family photos)

On a personal level my mother eradicated any sense of racial difference for her children by encouraging us to befriend black kids in our neighborhoods and at school. Because of this my best friend in junior high was a black kid named Tony Davis. We were inseparable and even broke in to MGM studios together running into a casting agent who was so amused by our “forwardness” that he cast us in a film.

It’s strange when your last parent passes. When my dad, Lawrence Robert, died, I was 31. He only lived to 58 but he and mom had a powerful love, so powerful that mom never remarried--out living dad by 25 years! 

My husband, Tom, told me a lot of soul searching begins when the last parent is buried. 12 hours into mom’s passing it has already begun for me.

Without her influence of equality for all I would have been a very different person.

Without her constant and emphatic insistence on forgiving all who had harmed her I would be a very different person.

Without her love for the arts and humanities I would be a very different person.

And, without her love for God, and the Universe He created, I would most certainly been a different person.

As the sediment of life with my “crazy” mom is sifting away, now faster than ever, the peaks and valleys are coming into stark relief and I am beginning to see this woman as the complicated, loving, angry, forgiving, defiant, selfish and generous person she was and will be remember by those who knew and loved her.

Welcome to heaven, mom, where the only skin color is the light of Love.

Mom and dad shortly before they were married in 1957.
(Westover family photos.)

(I have included this link to a testimony my mother wrote many years ago. I can think of no better eulogy as the highest mountain peak of her life—risking her life to save another: