Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Green Hawaii

The first stories of Hawaii were told to me by my grandmother who visited there in the 1950s. She wasn't the first family member to be there, that distinction was held by my great grandmother. It seemed only natural that my family would visit the most remote archipelago on earth since Hawaii's closest continental landmass was the west coast of the United States -- a region of the country my ancestors pioneered in the mid to late Nineteenth Century. And since the 1930s, we have lived, visited and loved these beautiful islands.

Classic postcard set sent to my grandmother in the late 1930s by my grandfather

My life-partner, Tom, and I will be going to Hawaii on our tenth trip there together (not including the year we lived there in 2003). We'll be staying at the Hilton Hawaii Village resort on the island of Oahu. Since I work in environmental public affairs, I will be taking particular interest in the sustainability programs this and other Waikiki resorts have to offer. You can keep up with what I'm discovering about "Green Hawaii" on my twitter at #mrclimatechange and my follow up postings on this blog. Until then, Aloha!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

World War II Veteran Talks About Heroes

My Grandfather speaks about his service as a Marine in WWII and the Korean War.

WEB EXTRA: World War II Veteran Talks About Heroes: George Westover talks about heroes.

My Grandfather and I also appeared on the History Channel's The Story of Veteran's Day (2004) as well as being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal on Flag Day.

Patrick K. O' Donnell's recent best selling book "Give Me Tomorrow" is based on George Company, my Grandfather's unit, that fought so fiercely in the Korean War. For more info on the book go to: