Monday, June 9, 2014

Robert and Tom in NYC and Newport, RI

On our recent visit to New York City we made a couple of patriotic stops along the way for both straight and Gay America! And while in Newport, Rhode Island, we stopped by Hammersmith Farm to say hello to Uncle Yusha. The weather was simply perfect and it was difficult to take a bad picture. Some of the shots in the video (click on link) came near "postcard" quality!
Check out the video at this link! Copy of NYC and Newport, RI


Tom E. Fulton and Robert H. Westover

Thursday, April 10, 2014

JFK's Summer White House - A Visit to the Fountainhead of Camelot

Hammersmith Farm was JFK's Summer White House. Jackie O spent much of her childhood on the Auchincloss family estate and a young Jack Kennedy courted her there. Jack and Jackie had their wedding reception at Hammersmith Farm and the pictures they took that beautiful September day have become iconic symbols of an age of elegance and grace so unfamiliar now.   
My honorary uncle, Hugh D. "Yusha" Auchincloss, was Jackie O's older stepbrother and is the nephew of my Godmother, the Countess Olga C. Morgan. Although my relationship to the patriarch of the Auchincloss family is an honorary one, my family's history with the Countess goes back to the 1940s when, as a child, my father lived just down the street from Olga Morgan in Laguna Beach, California.
Robert Hudson Westover,
Washington, DC